Michael Goldberg
What a surprise! This strategy was obvious to everyone, except our infallible leaders.
David Sher
The Palestinians have watched as their cause has rightfully been kicked of the front page by the far larger problems in the rest of the Arab world. This is a desparate bid by an 80 year old fool for publicity. The U.S. Congress must by law cut all funding to the PA. Israel will win this battle as it should and Abbas will die of old age having achieved nothing for his people except pain and misery.
David Sher
Michael, the International community has never done anything here except talk and complain. Right now they have their hands full with more serious matters. Keep dreaming.
Yoel Halevi ·
Works at Self-Employed
Michael Farmer The conflict started when the land was empty back in the 1800's, and most Muslims living in Israel were of very low stock, living there because no one wanted them. The influx of “Palestinians”started in the 1930's when Jews brought work and prosperity to the region. The only people (to use your racist statement) with a DNA to take are the Palestinians. You desperately need an education, but it seems that you only get your info from where ever without doing actual research, so to make your life easier I found a site that sums up some important point.http://markhumphrys.com/israel.conflict.crimes.html
Michael Mann
Michael Farmer A taker? Except for universities, hospitals, advanced irrigation technology, health care and employment opportunities if the PA would stop kicking Israeli companies out.
In any case, there is no longer support for the Palestinian cause even among Israel's Sunni Arab neighbours. It was always a pretext but no longer a useful one as the Arabs as well as Israel face IS and Iran:
In any case, there is no longer support for the Palestinian cause even among Israel's Sunni Arab neighbours. It was always a pretext but no longer a useful one as the Arabs as well as Israel face IS and Iran:
Sayiuki Peterson
Blue Beyond There's more support for Palestine than ever before in history. They became state, are allowed to join international bodies and treaties. More countries recognize the state of Palestine then Israel today. And by the way name three countries that recognize Israel's right to settlement in the Westbank. Or name one single country that doesn't see the settlement activities as illegal and counter productive. Just one man shouldn't be to hard.
Like · Reply ·
1 · Sep 7, 2015 9:57am

Chaiya Eitan
So, what can/should the Israeli government do about this?
Victoria Ricciano ·
If is true, then Israel is not bound by the Oslo accords. If i were the Israeli
government i would look for a consensus with the oposition and as many parties possible, and draw a map unilaterally, withdraw from those areas, and keep the strategic areas, i would also build en the entire area around Jerusalem, and create a de facto borders. I guess juridically the Palestinians can create their state if they wish en the areas left, but can't talk about "occupation", and at the same time Israel get rid of the Palestians alltogether
government i would look for a consensus with the oposition and as many parties possible, and draw a map unilaterally, withdraw from those areas, and keep the strategic areas, i would also build en the entire area around Jerusalem, and create a de facto borders. I guess juridically the Palestinians can create their state if they wish en the areas left, but can't talk about "occupation", and at the same time Israel get rid of the Palestians alltogether
Yuri Leschev
Louis Bogaty where did you get a figure of 6 mln from?
Sayiuki Peterson
Victoria Ricciano There won't be a single western nation that will support something like that. Not after all these decades of Israeli trantrums and mayhem.
Victoria Ricciano ·
Sayiuki Peterson Since when you live to please the Western nations? Europe will be changed forever in the next coming years.. I never heard so openly so much animosity against muslims... One thing is to preach from the confort of your slef-imposed european moral superiority.... other thing is to have your country inundated by muslims... Even Angela Merkel has more oppositiopn in the last 2 days than all the years as Chancellor alltogether...
You will see how well the extreem right parties will do everywhere
You will see how well the extreem right parties will do everywhere
Augusto Costa ·
Works at Formação Profissional - Free Lancer
Victoria Ricciano - De facto is still illegal and is still occupation. According to the international law, just because Israel left Gaza it didn't make the Jewish settlements in the West Bank legal and the Palestinian territory less occupied.Quite on the contrary, for any new settlement the occupation gets bigger.Plain and simple. And what can be de facto , and legal !, is the consequences for Israel in the international arena. Europe, in particular!
YJ Israel Draiman ·
UN Did Not Create Israel - 1920 International Law and Treaties Reconstituted it
The UN and The ICJ Are Only Advisory Organizations
The UN under its Charter has no authority and cannot establish a country; it cannot supersede or modify international law and treaties.
The UN under its charter can only recommend its resolutions and if it is accepted by the parties and signed as an agreement by the parties, it is valid; otherwise said resolution has no validity and cannot be enforced.
History proves the Arabs have rejected outright all pertinent UN resolutions, thus, rendering said resolutions as invalid and unenforceable. Even if the UN, other nations, or other entities and organizations put up flags and any other action for the fictitious Arab Palestinians, said flag-raising is meaningless.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration recognized the Indigenous and Legal rights of the Jewish people to their historical ancestral land of Israel (aka Palestine). Thus, about 75,000 square miles was assigned to be the reconstituted Jewish National Home. It must be noted that said recognition of “Indigenous” rights was based upon the historical fact the Jewish people and had a continuous habitation of this land for over 4000 years.
In furtherance of the 1917 Balfour Declaration the Faisal Weizmann Agreement was signed and executed in London on January 3, 1919 which recognized Palestine as a Jewish territory. This Agreement was the only time Arabs agreed to, and executed a legally binding document recognizing the land which belonged to the Jewish people. It must be noted since this “Agreement” was executed, no other legally binding agreement has ever been agreed to by the Arabs which supersedes this Agreement, or other treaties.
In further support of the above facts and under International Law, treaties were signed and executed by the Supreme Allied Powers after WWI. At this time Arab states were created in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., totaling 5 million square miles. Most importantly, at the very same time Israel (aka Palestine) was assigned to the Jewish people as their Jewish National Home.
After 1947 the Arab countries persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including over 120,000 square km. of land, which is about 6 times the size of Israel. Most of the million expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and now comprise over half the population of Israel.
Ironically, with the immigration of so many expelled Jewish families, the increase in the population of Israel satisfied one of the elements contained in the 1920 international treaty which incorporated the Balfour Declaration as international law (Israel's Magna Carta): Israel Jewish population had to be substantial enough in order to become self-governing.
The British as trustee for the Jewish people assumed the duty, obligation and responsibility to enhance and promote the Jewish immigration thus, substantially increase the Jewish population and implement the Jewish Sovereign government of the historical reconstituted Jewish National home in Palestine.
YJ Draiman
The UN and The ICJ Are Only Advisory Organizations
The UN under its Charter has no authority and cannot establish a country; it cannot supersede or modify international law and treaties.
The UN under its charter can only recommend its resolutions and if it is accepted by the parties and signed as an agreement by the parties, it is valid; otherwise said resolution has no validity and cannot be enforced.
History proves the Arabs have rejected outright all pertinent UN resolutions, thus, rendering said resolutions as invalid and unenforceable. Even if the UN, other nations, or other entities and organizations put up flags and any other action for the fictitious Arab Palestinians, said flag-raising is meaningless.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration recognized the Indigenous and Legal rights of the Jewish people to their historical ancestral land of Israel (aka Palestine). Thus, about 75,000 square miles was assigned to be the reconstituted Jewish National Home. It must be noted that said recognition of “Indigenous” rights was based upon the historical fact the Jewish people and had a continuous habitation of this land for over 4000 years.
In furtherance of the 1917 Balfour Declaration the Faisal Weizmann Agreement was signed and executed in London on January 3, 1919 which recognized Palestine as a Jewish territory. This Agreement was the only time Arabs agreed to, and executed a legally binding document recognizing the land which belonged to the Jewish people. It must be noted since this “Agreement” was executed, no other legally binding agreement has ever been agreed to by the Arabs which supersedes this Agreement, or other treaties.
In further support of the above facts and under International Law, treaties were signed and executed by the Supreme Allied Powers after WWI. At this time Arab states were created in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., totaling 5 million square miles. Most importantly, at the very same time Israel (aka Palestine) was assigned to the Jewish people as their Jewish National Home.
After 1947 the Arab countries persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including over 120,000 square km. of land, which is about 6 times the size of Israel. Most of the million expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and now comprise over half the population of Israel.
Ironically, with the immigration of so many expelled Jewish families, the increase in the population of Israel satisfied one of the elements contained in the 1920 international treaty which incorporated the Balfour Declaration as international law (Israel's Magna Carta): Israel Jewish population had to be substantial enough in order to become self-governing.
The British as trustee for the Jewish people assumed the duty, obligation and responsibility to enhance and promote the Jewish immigration thus, substantially increase the Jewish population and implement the Jewish Sovereign government of the historical reconstituted Jewish National home in Palestine.
YJ Draiman
Michael Goldberg
I'm sure that Abbas and Era at have read all the intelligent comments here and have already cancelled their plans.
David Nowlin ·
Michael Farmer , When you acquire the intelligence to make comments, we will listen to your opinion of others. Until then, why don't you find yourself a nice place to sit and watch. I would suggest Gaza.
Kenneth Greenberg
David Nowlin, I think Farmer's pigs are calling him home.
Mariano Lac ·
It is truly an occupied state. It's about time we kick out the Arab occupiers.
Glenn Perlman ·
Good for us with the end of Oslo, Israel is free to intergrate the liberated Jewish territories into the State of Israel. Europe can absorb Erekat, Abbas and the Fakeastinians.
Matthew Shostak ·
Mr Farmer? Appeasement of Israel? Are you insane, no wait, I know the answer to that one...
Matthew Shostak ·
Mr. Farmer, the international community accuses Netanyahu of germ warfair if he sneezes, try looking up the definition of appeasement.
Glenn Perlman ·
Matthew Shostak,
Yes, anti-Semitism is a type of insanity. Don't bother with Farmer, he gets his kicks by antagonizing Jews.
Yes, anti-Semitism is a type of insanity. Don't bother with Farmer, he gets his kicks by antagonizing Jews.
Darnell Potts
Abbas is determined to try 100 different ways to push open a door that has a sign "Please Pull". he won't negotiate, he will only keep trying to impose a settlement on Israel. Does he think the UN will send in troops to enforce his declaration?
Fortunately his timing could not be any worse. With the EU tied up with refugees, they will not do anything beyond castigating Israel.
Sound and fury signifying nothing.
Fortunately his timing could not be any worse. With the EU tied up with refugees, they will not do anything beyond castigating Israel.
Sound and fury signifying nothing.
Steve Marks
Palestine? the biggest hoax of the 20th century
Jonah Evenson ·
So your plain Efraim.. Is to violate international law and steal the rest of the occupied territories.. Bribe american Jews into making aliyah... And then force religious training on them to force them to be compliant...put them into crappy apartments... And build a third temple. And while this happens pray HaShem keeps the world from doing anything to Israel.. Like sanctions qnd other stuff. When exactly did the cheese slide off your cracker?
Efraim Wolpert ·
5 pt plan now....
Annex Judea and Samaria
Build 1 million new apartments
Encourage Jews in te USA to make aliyah (no income tax for 10 years, free land in Judea and Samaria)
Teach Torah to the Jews who don't know
Build the Third Temple
If you will it, it is no dream
Annex Judea and Samaria
Build 1 million new apartments
Encourage Jews in te USA to make aliyah (no income tax for 10 years, free land in Judea and Samaria)
Teach Torah to the Jews who don't know
Build the Third Temple
If you will it, it is no dream
Jack Levi ·
oooohhhhh......goody good. That means we will not be liable to collect their taxes, and we don't need to pass any money to them, and we can block all borders and not let anything in or out, and we don't need to give power, water or fuel.....they're a state in a state, so to speak
Efraim Wolpert ·
Michael Farmer one cannot occupy ones own land
Irene Rabinowitz ·
Michael Farmer Occupying what? There never was a "Palestinian" country. We can't occupy what has been ours, even when we were exiled, for 4000 years.
Yuri Leschev
Michael Farmer I am simply amazed how people become experts on the international law when it comes to Israel! Israel does wonders indeed. The very word "Israel" brings out the qualities in people they never suspected they had.
If you are an expert on the int law, care to letcture us on what status Kashmir has and how Bangladesh was created. And also who started this whole mess? Maybe aliens?
If you are an expert on the int law, care to letcture us on what status Kashmir has and how Bangladesh was created. And also who started this whole mess? Maybe aliens?
Epa Minondas ·
Michael Farmer Short of expungement of right of return, the entire function of a Pal state is the expungement of Israel. Their CULTURAL heroes blow up pizza parlors, smash the brains from 4 year old girls, and throw old men in wheelchairs off ships into the ocean. Half that state is in fact UNOCCUPIED, and elected a govt whose publicly stated purpose is to kill Jews via jihad. In their own poll, 2/3 of the west bank said they preferred to KILL ISRAEL rather than have a real peace.
Geneva Convention? Like our constitution here in the USA, it's not intended to be a SUICIDE PACT used by those who emulate those who LOVE killing little girls with their own hands, to help those who TRY to do right into the next world
Geneva Convention? Like our constitution here in the USA, it's not intended to be a SUICIDE PACT used by those who emulate those who LOVE killing little girls with their own hands, to help those who TRY to do right into the next world
Mariano Lac ·
Michael Farmer The Geneva Convention applies to conflicts between two sovereign countries. Where's the second one here?
Barry Lynn ·
Michael Farmer: Except we won't be occupying them, just as we're not occupying Gaza. In fact, we don't "occupy" Area A or B, and Area C is not where they live.
Jonah Evenson ·
They are delusional michael. The far right fringes of any group is. Sadly this applies to half of Israel. These are the people we want out in front leading and yelling. This is facism. Zionist facism. They are digging their own graves and have no clue that history is not pretty to colonistic occupiers. Isn't going to be pretty when their world comes crashing down in a few years.
Bill Bilek
Michael Farmer Simply declaring oneself "occupied" does not make it so, by international law.
""The occupying power does not acquire ownership of public buildings,
real estate and agricultural estates in occupied territory""
Ummm.....NO! Doesn't say that. Show the appropriate quote.
Applying laws selectively, applying double standards, especially to the singular Jewish nation state on earth, is the very definition of antisemitism, and renders such laws inequitable, and therefore obviously only voluntary.
""The occupying power does not acquire ownership of public buildings,
real estate and agricultural estates in occupied territory""
Ummm.....NO! Doesn't say that. Show the appropriate quote.
Applying laws selectively, applying double standards, especially to the singular Jewish nation state on earth, is the very definition of antisemitism, and renders such laws inequitable, and therefore obviously only voluntary.
Yuri Leschev
Michael Farmer Why does Britain occupy the Falklands and Gibraltar and Northern Ireland? Is it the British mental block?
Bob Barber
Michael Farmer If they're a state, they ain't occupied.
Jack Levi ·
Michael Farmer funny how the Palestinians are the last to abide by the Geneva Conventions
Jack Levi ·
Yuri Leschev idiot, those places you mentioned were won in wars. They're British
John Cronin ·
Can it really be that the 'ground rules' are about to be changed here and that a new set of parameters is ready to emerge?
And if this is such an easy thing to do, then why don't we all go one step further along this path and initiate a more challenging scenario, one that commands the most intense consideration and respect, much more so than anything ever encountered in the past.
www.laxiankey.com -- " if you would will the end, then you must also will the means."
And if this is such an easy thing to do, then why don't we all go one step further along this path and initiate a more challenging scenario, one that commands the most intense consideration and respect, much more so than anything ever encountered in the past.
www.laxiankey.com -- " if you would will the end, then you must also will the means."
Robert Taylor ·
Works at Retired
John, some thoughts:
1. I've read for years now, SELF-SERVING statements from BOTH sides RE: the OTHER guys' infractions of OSLO. IMHO, "Oslo"--as an extant, functioning agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is a FU*KING joke, and those who piously "tut-tut" about "infractions" are cynical jokers and/or "dumb as dirt."
2. I don't know whether the Palestinians have a "state" or not--BUT can you name me ONE ("compos mentis") person who claims they AREN'T "occupied"?
1. I've read for years now, SELF-SERVING statements from BOTH sides RE: the OTHER guys' infractions of OSLO. IMHO, "Oslo"--as an extant, functioning agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is a FU*KING joke, and those who piously "tut-tut" about "infractions" are cynical jokers and/or "dumb as dirt."
2. I don't know whether the Palestinians have a "state" or not--BUT can you name me ONE ("compos mentis") person who claims they AREN'T "occupied"?
Real Politik
Robert Taylor The Palestinians have two States, 1. gaza islamic republic 2. Palestian state of Kigdom of Jordan.
Robert Taylor ·
Works at Retired
Real Politik, friend, I stand by what I said. (and thanks for your input.)

Yuri Leschev
Are they still building the presidential palace for Abbas? Nice occupation they are having indeed. The words have lost all their meanings. The refugees in the Med look like holiday-makers, occupied Gaza has supermarket and swimming pools of Olympean size.
Yuri Leschev
Michael Farmer I don't and frankly I don't care. Why do you care? Do you really care about Gaza or you have an issue with Israel and Jews?
Is life good in Pakistan, Kashmir, Syria, Lybia, Congo, Sudan, Iraq ( say hello to Mr Blair), North Korea ( the list is very long)? Do you write indignant letters on the forums of Karachi News, Damascus News,Pyongyang News, Tripoli News, Kabul News or your righteous indignation is solely reserved for the Jews?
Is life good in Pakistan, Kashmir, Syria, Lybia, Congo, Sudan, Iraq ( say hello to Mr Blair), North Korea ( the list is very long)? Do you write indignant letters on the forums of Karachi News, Damascus News,Pyongyang News, Tripoli News, Kabul News or your righteous indignation is solely reserved for the Jews?
Yuri Leschev
Louis Bogaty Because there are no such newspapers exactly, one is forced to go Times of Israel because it exists? How naive!
One of many, and there indeed many:
No billions in foreighn aid? Well:
"Between 2002-2010, US Congress approved $18 billion in military and economic aid from the United States. However the Pakistan Treasury only received $8.647 billion in direct financial payments.
Western officials have claimed nearly 70% (roughly $3.4 billion) of Military aid given to the military has been misspent in 2002-2007 and used to cover civilian deficit.However,Pakistan argues the civilian deficit was caused by poor economy from the War on Terror. However U.S-Pakistani relationship has been a transactional based and U.S military aid to Pakistan and aid conditions has been shrouded in secrecy for several years until recently."
"The long and corrupt history of American-Saudi relations centers around the kingdom's vast reserves of easily extractable oil, of course. Ever since President Franklin D. Roosevelt met aboard ship in 1945 with King Ibn Saud, the special relationship with the desert kingdom has only grown stronger. The House of Saud is usually happy to sell us oil at a consistent and reasonable price and then increase production if unseemly market forces drive the world price of a barrel too high for U.S. consumers. In exchange we arm the Saudis to the teeth and turn a blind eye to their medieval approach to crime and punishment."
One of many, and there indeed many:
No billions in foreighn aid? Well:
"Between 2002-2010, US Congress approved $18 billion in military and economic aid from the United States. However the Pakistan Treasury only received $8.647 billion in direct financial payments.
Western officials have claimed nearly 70% (roughly $3.4 billion) of Military aid given to the military has been misspent in 2002-2007 and used to cover civilian deficit.However,Pakistan argues the civilian deficit was caused by poor economy from the War on Terror. However U.S-Pakistani relationship has been a transactional based and U.S military aid to Pakistan and aid conditions has been shrouded in secrecy for several years until recently."
"The long and corrupt history of American-Saudi relations centers around the kingdom's vast reserves of easily extractable oil, of course. Ever since President Franklin D. Roosevelt met aboard ship in 1945 with King Ibn Saud, the special relationship with the desert kingdom has only grown stronger. The House of Saud is usually happy to sell us oil at a consistent and reasonable price and then increase production if unseemly market forces drive the world price of a barrel too high for U.S. consumers. In exchange we arm the Saudis to the teeth and turn a blind eye to their medieval approach to crime and punishment."
Yuri Leschev
Michael Farmer And who do you care for, I dodn't understand? The Jews?
Dan Waiss
I was looking at the historic map. I have seen Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Crusaders, Ottomans, British Mandate..
I do not find "Palestine'" on this map... (occupation means occupy an established state- nobody occupies his own house)
Have i lost it in the way? can someone find it for me????
I do not find "Palestine'" on this map... (occupation means occupy an established state- nobody occupies his own house)
Have i lost it in the way? can someone find it for me????
Jack Levi ·
Dan, there has never, in the history of mankind been a Palestinian people or a Palestinian land. EVER~!
It's a made-up notion and nation. These Arabs were nomads and bedouins who traveled through the area and eventually settled.
They have no legitimate claim the the land here whatsoever
It's a made-up notion and nation. These Arabs were nomads and bedouins who traveled through the area and eventually settled.
They have no legitimate claim the the land here whatsoever
Robert Honeyman ·
Jack Levi i guess some people have to express the identical thought in different ways...
Glenn Perlman ·
Are you ignorant by choice?
"Palestine" is found on the same map as "Atlantis".
Are you ignorant by choice?
"Palestine" is found on the same map as "Atlantis".
Glenn Perlman ·
Lauren Goldman,
"What is the name of at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?"
Arafat was Egyptian!
"What is the name of at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?"
Arafat was Egyptian!
Glenn Perlman ·
PS, What about a Palestinian flag? Their's is a Jordanian flag minus the star.
Valerie Jean
B-b-but, Palestine was never a country! Dumbest argument of all. Some 125 countries (of 196 in the world today) were created from 1945 onward. That they didn't previously exist was no problem whatsoever. Didn't come up!
There was no United State of America before 1776, yet here we are! There was no Palau before 1994, yet it takes its place in the community of nations today. Palestine can, too, along with its population, which descends from a people that has occupied that land since the 600s CE.
There was no United State of America before 1776, yet here we are! There was no Palau before 1994, yet it takes its place in the community of nations today. Palestine can, too, along with its population, which descends from a people that has occupied that land since the 600s CE.
YJ Israel Draiman ·
Valerie Jean Facts Arab-Palestinians Would Rather Not Admit About Israel
In doing my research and writing various articles about the Arab-Israeli Conflict I was asked some pointed questions about my conclusions in some of my recent articles, which dealt – as most of them do – with the history of Israel: biblical, post-biblical and international laws and treaties.
I had stated in one of my articles the following sentence: “Only one people has ever made Jerusalem its capital and only one people ever established their ancestral indigenous and biblical homeland between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea: the Jews.”
I had also added that: “the Jews were the remaining aboriginal indigenous inhabitants of the Land for two millennia before the Muslim religion was even created.”
The commenter, nevertheless, had correctly pointed out that most people, because they have been exposed for such a long time to anti-Israel Arab propaganda, falsely believe that there has not been a continuous Jewish presence in the Land of Israel for the last 2,000 years. Many also have the Miss-conception that the UN created the State of Israel, this is a farce.
The land of Israel has been in existence for over 3700 years and the Modern reconstituted State of Israel was decreed by post WWI international law and treaties executed by the Supreme Allied Powers which allocated the formerly occupied territory by the defeated Ottoman empire and they specified Mesopotamia, Syria and other territories to the Arabs and Palestine, the historical ancestral land of the Israelites to the Jewish people as their reconstituted homeland.
They are thus unaware that the historical territory of the land of Israel was never totally cleansed of Jewish presence. Thus, the Arabs would rather you forget also that Jews lived for two millennia in Mesopotamia and in what became later known as British created Iraq.
Indeed Jews had resided for over 3,200 years in that territory from the Babylonian Captivity 586 CE onwards. It was when International treaties executed by the Allied Supreme Powers in 1920 which incorporated the Balfour Declaration as international law and once the number of Jews in Palestine-Israel became substantial enough to merit the subsequent implementation of those international treaties and guarantees.
Furthermore, due to the haste-full departure of Britain in 1948 and the desertion of its commitment to implement the Mandate for Palestine as agreed by post WWI international law and treaties.
The Jewish leadership declared independence and Israel was re-established in 1948. The UN resolution to advance the sovereignty of the Jewish state, and was only carrying out some of the terms of the international treaties.
The post WWI League of Nations and the post WWII United Nations that took over from the League have no authority to create or modify international treaties.
The UN according to its charter can only recommend its resolutions and the same applies to the ICJ - International Court of Justice, thus, those recommendations must be adopted by the parties, if any of the parties rejects the resolution, it has no affect or validity.
In our case and point, the Arab Israeli Conflict. The Arabs rejected outright the UN resolutions that could of altered the conflict to a peaceful coexistence.
After the Declaration of independence of the Jewish state; the Iraqi Arabs persecuted and drove the Jews from their ancient homes of over 2400 years and confiscated all their assets, turning them into refugees who found sanctuary in Israel; at that time a fledgling impoverished country barely able to support them at the time. A great number of Jewish refugees were created that it outnumbered the Arab refugees in a ratio of 2 to 1, as one Arab state after another in the Middle East and North Africa persecuted and drove out their Jewish populations who resided in those countries for over two Millennia, while confiscating all their assets. A crime, which hardly is ever recognized.
Arab-Palestinians and their anti-Israel supporters try to delude, deceive and convince the world that the Jews just appeared in the early 20th century after being dispersed for over two thousand years from their biblical ancestral homeland. That is a flat out lie and flies in the face of factual recorded history. But facts never seem to matter to Arabs and pro-Arabs. So the following brief history lesson will be for them an inconvenient truth.
Let me start by quoting from an article written in The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998 by Charles Krauthammer:
"Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one today advertising ice cream at the corner candy store."
The Jewish People trace their origin to Abraham, he who is called the Holy Convert, the first Jew, who established the belief in only one God, the creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Yitzhak (Isaac), and grandson Jacob (Israel), are referred to as the patriarchs of the Israelites who lived in what was then the Land of Canaan which today do not exist; later to become known as the Land of Israel. They and their wives are buried in the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, Judaism’s second holiest city. (Genesis Chapter 23).
The name, Israel, derives from the name given to Jacob (Genesis 32:29). His 12 sons were the ancestors of the 12 tribes that later developed into the Jewish nation. The name Jew derives from Yehuda (Judah) one of the 12 sons of Jacob. You will find the names of the tribes listed in Exodus 1:1. Yehuda (Judea) is also the biblical name of the southern region of what the world calls by its Arab name – the West Bank. Shomron (Samaria) is the northern half.
Modern Israel shares the same language, culture, tradition and Jewish faith passed through generations starting with the founding father Abraham and the Jews have had a continuous presence in the land of Israel for over the past 3,400 years.
In doing my research and writing various articles about the Arab-Israeli Conflict I was asked some pointed questions about my conclusions in some of my recent articles, which dealt – as most of them do – with the history of Israel: biblical, post-biblical and international laws and treaties.
I had stated in one of my articles the following sentence: “Only one people has ever made Jerusalem its capital and only one people ever established their ancestral indigenous and biblical homeland between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea: the Jews.”
I had also added that: “the Jews were the remaining aboriginal indigenous inhabitants of the Land for two millennia before the Muslim religion was even created.”
The commenter, nevertheless, had correctly pointed out that most people, because they have been exposed for such a long time to anti-Israel Arab propaganda, falsely believe that there has not been a continuous Jewish presence in the Land of Israel for the last 2,000 years. Many also have the Miss-conception that the UN created the State of Israel, this is a farce.
The land of Israel has been in existence for over 3700 years and the Modern reconstituted State of Israel was decreed by post WWI international law and treaties executed by the Supreme Allied Powers which allocated the formerly occupied territory by the defeated Ottoman empire and they specified Mesopotamia, Syria and other territories to the Arabs and Palestine, the historical ancestral land of the Israelites to the Jewish people as their reconstituted homeland.
They are thus unaware that the historical territory of the land of Israel was never totally cleansed of Jewish presence. Thus, the Arabs would rather you forget also that Jews lived for two millennia in Mesopotamia and in what became later known as British created Iraq.
Indeed Jews had resided for over 3,200 years in that territory from the Babylonian Captivity 586 CE onwards. It was when International treaties executed by the Allied Supreme Powers in 1920 which incorporated the Balfour Declaration as international law and once the number of Jews in Palestine-Israel became substantial enough to merit the subsequent implementation of those international treaties and guarantees.
Furthermore, due to the haste-full departure of Britain in 1948 and the desertion of its commitment to implement the Mandate for Palestine as agreed by post WWI international law and treaties.
The Jewish leadership declared independence and Israel was re-established in 1948. The UN resolution to advance the sovereignty of the Jewish state, and was only carrying out some of the terms of the international treaties.
The post WWI League of Nations and the post WWII United Nations that took over from the League have no authority to create or modify international treaties.
The UN according to its charter can only recommend its resolutions and the same applies to the ICJ - International Court of Justice, thus, those recommendations must be adopted by the parties, if any of the parties rejects the resolution, it has no affect or validity.
In our case and point, the Arab Israeli Conflict. The Arabs rejected outright the UN resolutions that could of altered the conflict to a peaceful coexistence.
After the Declaration of independence of the Jewish state; the Iraqi Arabs persecuted and drove the Jews from their ancient homes of over 2400 years and confiscated all their assets, turning them into refugees who found sanctuary in Israel; at that time a fledgling impoverished country barely able to support them at the time. A great number of Jewish refugees were created that it outnumbered the Arab refugees in a ratio of 2 to 1, as one Arab state after another in the Middle East and North Africa persecuted and drove out their Jewish populations who resided in those countries for over two Millennia, while confiscating all their assets. A crime, which hardly is ever recognized.
Arab-Palestinians and their anti-Israel supporters try to delude, deceive and convince the world that the Jews just appeared in the early 20th century after being dispersed for over two thousand years from their biblical ancestral homeland. That is a flat out lie and flies in the face of factual recorded history. But facts never seem to matter to Arabs and pro-Arabs. So the following brief history lesson will be for them an inconvenient truth.
Let me start by quoting from an article written in The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998 by Charles Krauthammer:
"Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one today advertising ice cream at the corner candy store."
The Jewish People trace their origin to Abraham, he who is called the Holy Convert, the first Jew, who established the belief in only one God, the creator of the universe. Abraham, his son Yitzhak (Isaac), and grandson Jacob (Israel), are referred to as the patriarchs of the Israelites who lived in what was then the Land of Canaan which today do not exist; later to become known as the Land of Israel. They and their wives are buried in the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, Judaism’s second holiest city. (Genesis Chapter 23).
The name, Israel, derives from the name given to Jacob (Genesis 32:29). His 12 sons were the ancestors of the 12 tribes that later developed into the Jewish nation. The name Jew derives from Yehuda (Judah) one of the 12 sons of Jacob. You will find the names of the tribes listed in Exodus 1:1. Yehuda (Judea) is also the biblical name of the southern region of what the world calls by its Arab name – the West Bank. Shomron (Samaria) is the northern half.
Modern Israel shares the same language, culture, tradition and Jewish faith passed through generations starting with the founding father Abraham and the Jews have had a continuous presence in the land of Israel for over the past 3,400 years.
Walk Tall Hang Loose
Click on the following link and you will find a map of Palestine dated 1450, taken from the Jewish National and University Library. North is on the left.
Walk Tall Hang Loose
Apologies, there is a higher defninition map here:
Reggie Green
Great news. The end of the charade. The Oslo "peace" accords have caused the deaths of thousands of Israeli and Palestinians. The main beneficiaries have been the Palestinian leaders who have shveled billions of dollars of Western aid into their pockets.
Michael Goldberg
What a surprise! It seems that everyone was aware of this step, except our infallible leader.
Lauren Goldman
Michael Farmer Here are a few questions; if you have an answer to any of them in the affirmative, you lose.
If 'Palestine', the country, goes back through most of recorded history, one should be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of 'Palestine':
When was it founded and by whom?
What were its borders?
What was its capital?
What were its major cities?
What constituted the basis of its economy?
What was its form of government?
What is the name of at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
What was the language of the country of Palestine ?
What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?
What was the name of its currency? For any date in history, what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the currency of any foreign nation?
And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
If 'Palestine', the country, goes back through most of recorded history, one should be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of 'Palestine':
When was it founded and by whom?
What were its borders?
What was its capital?
What were its major cities?
What constituted the basis of its economy?
What was its form of government?
What is the name of at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
What was the language of the country of Palestine ?
What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?
What was the name of its currency? For any date in history, what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the currency of any foreign nation?
And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?