Let me advance an interesting opinion: The most dangerous cause of instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself. I know this is an unusual point of view. Give me a chance to explain my theory.
By my count, there have been at least 25 major outbursts of violence between Jews and Arab-Palestinians in the Middle East since 1920. Every one of these conflicts ended in a similar way. Either outside powers imposed a ceasefire or Israel halted military operations before the campaign was accomplished and just before a ceasefire could be imposed.
Every one of these conflicts began in a similar way: with a renewed attack by the Arab side or (as in 1956 or 1967) by Arab violations of the terms of the previous armistice or ceasefire and a blockade of the Suez Canal.
Think for a minute how unusual this is. Wars usually end when one side or the other decides it cannot continue fighting. The losing side accepts terms it had formerly deemed unacceptable because the alternative — continued fighting — seems even worse. When have you ever heard the vanquished dictating the terms?
I doubt many Hungarians were delighted to have lost more than half their territory to neighbors in Romania and the former Yugoslavia. The Bolivians still remember the loss of their Pacific coast to Chile in 1884. Some in Indonesia continue to regard East Timor as rightfully theirs. Yet for the most part, these nations have reconciled themselves to these unwelcome outcomes.
Exactly the opposite has occurred in the Arab-Israeli dispute. Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula in 1956 but got it back by pressuring Israel. Egypt re-lost the Sinai in 1967 and again recovered it (although this time the right way, after signing a formal peace treaty). I might mention that when Egypt gained its independence, it did not include the Sinai.
Syria lost the Golan in 1967, it attacked Israel in 1973, lost again — and still demands the return of the territory.
Arab-Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition, resorted to war, lost, and to this day demand compensation for their losses.
It is like a game of roulette where the management stops the game whenever you begin losing too badly, with promises to refund your money as soon as it conveniently can. What gambler could resist returning to the tables?
I understand why Western governments acted as they do. They fear that unless they somehow smooth the situation, the world oil market will be upset and radical ideologies will spread throughout the Islamic world. Just like the Arab oil embargo of 1973. What they do not see is that their efforts to contain the problem have in fact aggravated it and accelerated the hostilities by the Arabs.
Think of this alternative history: Suppose that the Western world had not intervened in 1949. Suppose the Israeli War of Independence had been fought to the bitter end: Arab armies breaking apart and fleeing, as they have in the past, commanders laying down their arms, columns of refugees crossing the Jordan River. The 1949 war would have ended not with an armistice, but with a surrender. Arab-Palestinian refugees would have had to settle in new homes, just as the million Jews expelled from their former homes in the Arab lands resettled in Israel.
The outcome would have squelched any hope that more fighting would yield a different result — and the more decisive result might have dissuaded Arab governments from any further attempts to resort to force.
Now think of another scenario. In the 1990s, the former Yugoslavia erupted into war. New states with new borders were carved out of the old country. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. Horrific atrocities were committed. The conflict ended. The displaced adjusted to life in their new homes. Former enemies may still mistrust each other, but violence has faded and seems unlikely to return.
Suppose that instead the world had agreed that one of the combatant ethnic groups — the Serbs, say, but it really does not matter — retained a permanent inextinguishable right to reclaim its former homes with all the new offspring. Suppose the world agreed to pay displaced persons from that group billions in foreign aid on condition that they never permanently resettle in the territory to which the ethnic group had moved. Suppose the world tolerated Serbian terrorist attacks on Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo as understandable reactions to injustice. The conflict and violence would continue. Would there be peace in the former Yugoslavia today?
The Middle East peacemakers for the most part act with the highest of intentions and the most exquisite patience. However, instead of extinguishing the conflict, they prolong it. A peace process intended to insulate the Arab world from the pain of defeat has condemned the Arab world — and the Arab-Palestinian people above all — to an unending war, which is initiated by the Arabs.
Every war must end — and badly for at least one of the belligerents. It is time for this war to end as well.
May the victor be merciful.
YJ Draiman

The Oslo accord is null and void! r5
A scathing indictment of the world nations at large
The Arab-Palestinians Charters explicitly states that they want the State of Israel for themselves and the Jewish people destroyed.
The Arab-Palestinians actions to date has proven that they do not want peace. Why is the liberal left and many of the world nations are fantasizing and deluding themselves that the Arabs want peace.
People of the world wake up and realize what is their ultimate mission, eliminate the unbelievers.
If the world at large does not wake up now they will be next. It already has started, take off the blinders, open you eyes and look around.
No entity in the world will force a solution on Israel.
They forced and or were complicit to the Final solution in WWII with the Holocaust and the extermination of over 6 million Jewish people, men women and children.
Where were the worlds nations outcry, threats and objection when over 6 million Jewish people were being exterminated by the Nazis, men women and children? They were silent.
Where was the world nations when the Arab countries expelled over a million adult Jewish people and their children from their countries who lived there for over 2,400 years, many died due to persecution, hardship and starvation. The Arabs confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real Estate property 5-6 times the size of Israel (120,440 sq. km. or 75,00 sq. miles), valued in the trillions of dollars?
Where is the world nations today? Why do they ignore when thousands are slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world every month.
Today and since 1948. Israel is being threatened with annihilation, the Arabs educate their children to commit terror and violence against Israel, glorify suicide bombers and terrorists, they name streets after them and pay monthly payments to their families. When Israel defends itself from destruction, suicide bombers, thousands of missiles, violence, etc, by the Arabs, every country has something to say, threaten Israel and meddle in its business.
This is the time when nations of the world must mind their own business and stay out of Israel’s internal affairs. Only then there will be a possibility of peace.
YJ Draiman
A true basis for a lasting peace in The Middle East r1
jerusalem by yj draiman
A far-sighted Arab-Jewish agreement was arrived at 95 years ago but was never fully implemented. This still-legal agreement provides the basis for a solution today and should become widely publicized and supported.
The balance of the article in the near future
In the whole of the Middle East only 1.6 million Arabs have complete political and religious freedom
All of them live in one Jewish State of Israel

Israel must stay united and determined to preserve and maintain an unparalleled security at all cost r2
In order to develop and maintain a robust economy that is able to withstand violence and political pressure, it is imperative that Israelis be united and stay united. Only an exceedingly strong, unified government will drive the country's security and safety up, and at the same time, drive the price of basic staples down. One of the most important steps toward a robust economy is for Israel to develop its' energy resources and to become energy independent.
Israel must be a country that will be able to stand up to anti-Israel propaganda, to rising worldwide anti-Semitism, to the political pressure and the constant de-legitimization and demonization of the nation state of the Jewish people. Remember, a unified and strong Israel means a strong and undeterred entire Jewish nation with the ability to support the country and its citizens, and provide a safe haven for Jews worldwide.
We have a country to sustain and protect from external and internal enemies. We have a country to protect from the barrages of rockets and missiles that can reach every corner of the country. We have to protect our citizens from suicide bombers, terror and violence. We need a country that can stand up, with dignity and pride, to world pressure. It is imperative to be united at time of war.
But Israel must also be united to sustain and achieve its continued survival, peace and prosperity.
As such, I advocate that the citizens of Israel be smart in their upcoming exercise of political power. Israeli citizens must demand, with resolve, from their elected politicians to deliver on their promises to keep the country strong and safe. Israelis must not let Israel be weakened under the Israel's new "5th column" or the political Left, whether it is the High Court or other entities. Furthermore, Israelis should no longer tolerate the politicians, the media, or even other citizens who delude themselves and refuse to accept reality based upon facts, harsh truth, and past history.
Israelis must fight for the soul of our country. We must fight for our heritage and our Jewish cause, which is for a nationalist, political, and cultural movement which supports the continual development of the Jewish homeland in the ancestral territory defined as the historic Land of Israel.
All Israeli politicians and leaders must understand any and all internal conflict which leads to divisiveness weakens Israel. If they really care about Israel and its people and want Israel to survive in these difficult times, they must unify in a common cause and work together to enhance Israel's safety and security. They must learn how to overcome their differences, for the sake of Israel and its people. Any elected or appointed leader, politician or official that pursues divisiveness and continues to incite conflict does not belong in a position to govern or represent Israel and its people. The self-serving agendas of the individual or party, which does not promote unity must stop immediately.
Here is a viable alternative: re-create the historical two Jewish entities which followed King Solomon. At that time Greater Israel was one Jewish entity, and Judea and Samaria was the second Jewish entity. For example, this template would allow the citizens of Israel the choice of living in the entity which strictly adheres to Jewish tradition and culture, or, they can live in the other entity which does not strictly adhere to said tradition. The end result would be a much needed unity in the common purpose of maintaining the security and prosperity of Israel regardless of differences.
Without total unity of all Israelis, Israel will be subjected to follow the historical path of many nations which existed before, and now, no longer exist.
YJ Draiman

Re: Israel - To whom it may concern in Europe, Asia, Far East, South America, the US and elsewhere r5
We are tired of hearing that withdrawal from Judea and Samaria will bring peace. We know and you know that it would bring another Gaza. So stop saying it and promoting this fallacy. Past experience has proven that concessions, appeasement and land for peace only increased terror, violence and more conflict and hostilities.
We are tired of hearing that land beyond the Green Line is 'Arab-Palestinian land'. The Green Line is simply an armistice line that has no political significance. You know this too. The San Remo Treaty of 1920 Granted the Mandate for Palestine to the Jewish people - it did not state any other nation or people, the same Allied powers also established 21 Arab States and one Jewish State - The Arabs are not willing to give up any part of the 21 Arab States and the Jews are not willing to give up any part of the Jewish State.
We are tired of hearing about the "Arab-Palestinian people." They are no different from the Arabs of Syria or Egypt, from which most of their ancestors migrated in the last 150 years or so. There is no Arab-Palestinian language or religion, and until very recently they considered themselves simply 'Arabs'. Their culture is almost entirely defined by their opposition to the Jewish State. Teaching hate, violence and terror to their children. There never was an Arab-Palestinian State or people in History. The Arab Palestinians have a State in Jordan which is about 80% of the land originally allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and adopted by the League of Nations.
We are tired of hearing that "the Arab-Palestinians deserve a state." We are indigenous here, not them, and their behavior entitles them more to a trial at The Hague than to a State. The Arab- Palestinians have a State it is called Jordan which was carved out of Jewish allocated land in 1922, in violation of the San Remo treaty of 1920.
And they certainly don't deserve our Jewish State, which is the only State they want. They already took 80% of Jewish allocated land which is Jordan, a country that never existed in history before WWI. Israel also gave them the Gaza Strip.
We are tired of hearing about 'The Occupation', it is "Liberated Jewish Land". As Minister Naftali Bennett said the other day, you can't be an occupier in your own land. The Arabs are the occupiers, Greater Israel has been a Jewish State and the Jewish homeland for 4,000 years even if it was temporarily conquered and occupied by various nations over the centuries. The Ottoman Empire land registration records show over 90% of the land was owned by the government, the balance was owned by wealthy Arabs from Lebanon, who sold it to the Jews at premium prices.
We are tired of hearing that "settlements are illegal under international law." They are not. The San Remo Treaty of 1920 explicitly stated that Jewish people can reside anywhere in the Mandate for Palestine, those terms have not been abrogated and are set in perpetuity. It allocated The Palestine Mandate for the Jewish people. It does not state it is allocated to any other people.
We are tired of hearing that "settlement construction is an obstacle to peace." Arab rejectionism, destruction, violence, terrorism and suicide bombing is the reason there is no peace. When the Arab-Palestinians teach and preach hate, terror and destruction to their children, this is definitely not a road to peace and coexistence.
By the way, we are pro-peace. We are just not pro-suicide and self destruction.
We are tired of hearing about the 5 million (or whatever ridiculous number there are alleged to be) 'Arab-Palestinian refugees' or the 'Arab-Palestinian Diaspora'. There were about 600,000 Arabs in Palestine, about 300,000 left their homes in 1948, mostly of their own volition and about 300,000 Arabs stayed, more or less at the same time as the over million Jewish refugees from Arab countries, of which the Arabs expelled and confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real Estate (120,000 sq. km. = 46,332 sq, miles, which is 5-6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars. We resettled ours (Jewish refugees from Arab Countries) with limited land and resources - It is time for the Arab countries to resettle yours (Arab-Palestinian refugees, on the land and homes you confiscated from the Jewish people), the 21 Arab states have more land and resources. The Arab dis-information must be ignored and countered.
We are tired of hearing anything from anyone associated with the U.N. The U.N. is a parasitic and criminal enterprise dominated by our mortal enemies. The U.N. cannot create states, it can only recommend and so can other nations only recommend and not create a state that never existed before in history. If they want an Arab-Palestinian state, it already exists, it is Jordan which has taken 80% of Jewish allocated land. They also have the land the Arabs Countries confiscated from the Jewish people which is 5-6 times the size of Israel.
We are tired of stupid post-colonialist rhetoric. We are not 'colonists' and Arabs do not have the right to murder us in the name of 'resistance' or beheading Jewish Rabbi's in Jerusalem's Har Nof Synagogue. Talking this way reveals you as moral imbeciles. They train their children to be suicide bombers and terrorists. The Arabs are the colonialists, they have colonized the whole Middle East. They are also on their way to colonize all of Europe and more.
You can not recognize a state and people that never existed and that has no borders, no single government, no currency, and no economy. They are not trusted by the Arab states either. Kuwait after the Gulf war in 1991 kicked out close to a half a million Arab-Palestinians from their country.
We know we can not depend on any kind of security guarantee from anyone except the Israel Defense Forces. So stop being insulted because we do not trust you. Thus, do not ask us to give up any nuclear weapons we might or might not have or any other methods and technology that could help protect us.
If you hate us so much, give us back all our Medical technology that saved your lives. Give us back all our technology development that helped you advance economically and the list goes on and on.
We know that the left-wing parties in Israel are bankrupt of ideas. We are not going to vote for them, no matter how much you would like us to. So do not bother trying to influence our election. We will only vote for a government that protects its people and cares about the Jewish heritage, more than it cares for world opinion.
Don't believe what you read in Ha'aretz newspaper, they represent a minority that has no allegiance to the Jewish heritage.
Jerusalem, undivided, is the capital of the Jewish State of Israel. Get used to it, because you can't change it, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. It was never a Capital of any other nation.
Ordinary Israelis who care about their heritage and ancestry.

No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel -
David Ben Gurion
(David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State's main founder).
"No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel.
No Jew has the authority to do so.
No Jewish body has the authority to do so.
Not even the entire Jewish People alive today has the right to yield any part ofIsrael.
It is the right of the Jewish People over the generations, a right that under
no conditions can be cancelled.
Even if Jews during a specific period proclaim they are relinquishing this right, they have neither the power nor the authority to deny it to future generations.
No concession of this type is binding or obligates the Jewish People. Our right to the country - the entire country - exists as an eternal right, and we shall not yield this historic right until its full and complete redemption is realized."
(David Ben Gurion, Zionist Congress, Basel, Switzerland, 1937.)
"No country in the world exists today by virtue of its 'right'.
All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction."
"Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope"

If I forget thee Jerusalem
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not;
if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.
One must convey Jewish feelings and passions about Jerusalem with un-minced words.
When it comes to JERUSALEM’S sovereignty there is a line drawn in the sand. For the Jews, Jerusalem is their heart, aspirations, their holy city, devotion, ideals, symbol of being a nation with history, a nation with prophets, justice, fairness, rich Jewish history and the Jewish soul. When a Jew conveys his feeling about Jerusalem, he must not worry about offending anybody, or hurt feelings. We cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs, and a Jew cannot and must not be apologetic about Jewish’ feelings concerning Jerusalem. it is clear to me even if I were not a Jew, just from a pragmatic consideration of running a city, that any division of Jerusalem will lead eventually to immense unbearable friction and sooner-or-later to another war. We must present and make the analogy, that dividing Jerusalem is like dividing the baby in King Solomon’s verdict. Jews do not divide babies, only those who do not feel and care for the baby are prepared to take half. This is what every Jew must say.
I hope that we all have the opportunity to say these tough words for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
P.S. How many holidays do the Arabs-Muslims celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem - where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.

Media accuracy and unbiased reporting must be enforced
It seems the Media cannot regulate itself to present a true and honest reporting.
Responsible and honest reporting has been replaced with ambiguous confusing and illusory news reports, with no regard to the consequences. Facts and sources are not properly verified and an inaccurate unsubstantiated news story gets released to the public, that may cause substantial harm. Some stories are intentionally staged for the camera
What has happened to ethics in Journalism? Has Social Media added a new dimension to honest reporting? Can we overcome distorted Social Media for accuracy? How can we verify instant Social Media images from being photo-shopped? Can we impose responsible Social Media without affecting the freedom of speech?
Whether we like it or not, the masses are influenced by the Media, could you imagine how children and young adults absorb the Media hype, regardless weather it is truth or illusion. The damage is long term and may not be reversible. Children are very impressionable, they think what they see on TV emulate real life, which we know is distorted and make believe, they carry these illusions as reality which affects their future adversely.
The Media reporting must be neutral, unbiased, balanced, objective and impartial. Violators should be subject to fines and criminal charges if people suffer due to intentional distortion of reports or intentionally slanted to deceive or promote favoritism that escalates into violence and or cause harm and or financial loss.
When a Media outlet intentionally distorts and misinforms the news and events, it should forfeit the right to free speech and free press and face the music.
In the past decades Media outlets have expanded the creation of sensationalism to promote readership and revenues. These types of reports many times intentionally distorts the facts and true dimension of the report. Thus creating more dissention and crisis that leads to violence and death.
It seems that the Media today has no emotion, no compassion. Much of the news is choreographed for the sake of sensationalism and rating. Which comes down to dollars and financial gain. Society today is so hungry for money, power, instant gratification and glamour.
Is there a chance of going back to honor, honesty, integrity and fighting for truth and justice the old American way. Overcoming false showmanship and artificial presentation. Broadcasting truth and reality, thereby regaining public trust in the Media?
This very same rebuke and standards must be applied to our elected government officials.
A change for the better must be initiated and it must start at the top.
YJ Draiman
P.S. “The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They're about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover and keeping us in a uproar.”
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
When is the Media and the government going to come clean and inform the public the honest truth without any bias and distortion.

It is time to implement population transfer for all the Arabs who create violence, riot and attack Jews and anyone else. They could be relocated to the home and land of the million Jewish people, expelled from Arab countries.
A Jewish person and any other person in Jerusalem and the rest of Greater Israel has the right to live and walk in his own country in peace and tranquility without fear or intimidation.
I suggest a massive demonstration by Israelis, demanding the government to restore peace without fear or intimidation at all costs. Israel must ignore world opinion and the Media, they will criticize and defame Israel no matter what.
Eventually the world at large respects a government that protects its people.
According to International Law All Jews have the right to live in any area of the original San Remo Treaty of 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine adoption in perpetuity by the League of Nations.
It is interesting to note that the World at large is not questioning the State of Jordan and its territory, which was taken from the allocation to Jewish land. Jordan a State that has never existed in history prior to WW1. But Israel that has existed on its land for over 4,000 years which included The land Jordan occupies, they are questioning Israel’s land. They do not mention that The Arabs ejected a million Jewish people and confiscated their homes and assets and that about 650,000 of them were settled in Israel’s LIBERATED TERRITORY.
Arabs are the occupiers, they have 21 Arab States that were granted to them after WW1 by the same powers that granted the State of Israel. The Arabs countries also expelled over a million Jewish people (who have lived there for at least 1,800 years) from their countries and confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and land (5 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars.
There is no other term for Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem than Liberated Jewish Territories.
To negate any claim of Arab ownership of the land, Read and study the Ottoman empire land title. It states that approximately 98% of the land was owned by the government, some of it was leased to the Arab population as sharecroppers, not owners.
The balance 2% was owned by Arab land barons who sold the land at premium prices to the Jews.
Here is the incredible testimony of The Mufti of Jerusalem on January 12, 1937 when he documents in testimony for the British Peel Commission that the Jews did not steal land from the Arab Palestinians but by the year of 1920, the time of the “Occupation” meaning the British Palestine Mandate, the Jewish people had already purchased 1,500,000 dunams of land in the Land of Israel which is 375,000 acres.
The Mufti also testified that the land was not bought by “forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition of land”. That kind of ruling behavior was the action of the Ottoman rulers and not the Jews. Also the Mufti admitted that any evictions done were by absentee landlords who chose to sell “land over the heads of their tenants, who then were forcibly evicted”, and that the majority of these tenants were not Palestinians but Lebanese.
It is a common practice by the Muslims to obfuscate, distort, outright fabrication and misrepresent facts to their benefit, it is even permitted under their religion, in order to accomplish their goals.

Israel must stay strong, united and determined to preserve and maintain an unparalleled security, a robust economy that is able to withstand violence and political pressure, it is imperative that Israelis be united and stay united, under one overwhelming strong unity government that will drive the country's security and safety up and the price of basic staples down. Develop its energy sources to be energy independent. Israel must be a country that will be able to stand up to anti-Israel propaganda, to the rising anti-Semitism, to the political pressure and to the constant de-legitimization and demonization of the nation state of the Jewish people, Israel. Remember, a unified and strong Israel means a strong and undeterred entire Jewish nation with ability to support the country and its citizens.
I advocate that the citizens of Israel be smart, elect smart, demand, with resolve, from your elected politicians to deliver on their promises and to keep the country strong and safe; do not let it be weakened under the new Israel's 5th column, the Left, whether it is the High Court, and other entities, the politicians of all sort and even worse, the media and the citizens who delude themselves and refuse to face reality, facts and truth, based on past history.
Fight for the soul of our country. Fight for our heritage and our Jewish cause, which is for the Jews a nationalist, political and culture movement that supports the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in the ancestral territory defined as the historic Land of Israel.
We have a country to sustain and protect from external and internal enemies. We have a country to protect from the barrages of rockets and missiles that can reach every corner of the country. We have to protect our citizens from suicide bombers, terror and violence. We need a country that can stand up, with dignity and pride, to world pressure. It is imperative to be united at time of war. But Israel must also be united to sustain achieve its continued survival, peace and prosperity.
Gordon Sands If you feel it is moral to express your sympathy for those Arabs who colonized and occupy all but a sliver of land in the Middle East, those who stone women to death, execute gays and rape little children? Those who kill people indiscriminately, suicide bombers, teach hate and violence to their children! If you believe that making Judaism illegal in every Arab country is OK? Really? The Arabs have also forced most Christians out of their countries. You leave me no choice then, but to assess you moral indignation as meaningless lawless revolting and vile. I laugh in astonishment at what hypocrites and naked bigots you are.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish territory for over two millennium and has been since prior to the building of the two Jewish temples. It is a historical fact that King David of Israel paid the Jebusites money to purchase that property, in order to avoid conflict. Israel, after liberating Jerusalem and Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism in 1967, Israel graciously permitted the Arabs to continue to pray at Temple Mount.
ReplyDeleteThe time has come to terminate said arrangement. Jewish worshippers have suffered years of abuse by Arabs committing unwarranted acts of violence on a consistent basis. Israel has the right, duty and obligation to revoke the unappreciated privilege formally granted. It is the Arab s who are defiling The Jewish "Holy of Holies".
It is time for Israel to take back Jewish its sacred ground, which is the holiest site in Judaism, once and for all.
I am sure Arab-s would not permit anyone in the world to build and control the holy Site in Mecca. Let the Arabs have Mecca, and the Judeo-Christian people have Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish territory for over two millennium and has been since prior to the building of the two Jewish temples. It is a historical fact that King David of Israel paid the Jebusites money to purchase that property, in order to avoid conflict. Israel, after liberating Jerusalem and Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism in 1967, Israel graciously permitted the Arabs to continue to pray at Temple Mount.
ReplyDeleteThe time has come to terminate said arrangement. Jewish worshippers have suffered years of abuse by Arabs committing unwarranted acts of violence on a consistent basis. Israel has the right, duty and obligation to revoke the unappreciated privilege formally granted. It is the Arab s who are defiling The Jewish "Holy of Holies".
It is time for Israel to take back Jewish its sacred ground, which is the holiest site in Judaism, once and for all.
I am sure Arab-s would not permit anyone in the world to build and control the holy Site in Mecca. Let the Arabs have Mecca, and the Judeo-Christian people have Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.