Secret Service Agent Winston Churchill Unmasked At Last!!
Winston Churchill was the son of King Edward VII "Edward the Caresser,"
and thus a secret agent for the British monarchy!! |
While British Secret Service agent Winston Churchill ranted and raved at fellow spies and "dictators" Hitler and Stalin, he himself was the living embodiment of the iron monarchical system. There is no such person as a "constitutional" monarch. The world is not big enough for a monarchy and a republic to coexist. The 3 pillars of monarchy are: standing armies, monopolies and spies!!
During peacetime, spies are generally called "secret agents." If spies are unmasked during peacetime, they are generally imprisoned or exchanged for another spy.
During wartime, despicable spies are not considered prisoners-of-war and can be shot or hanged.
British spies began arriving in the Tabernacle of David as early as 1638. Sir George Downing–of Downing Street fame–was one such spy or secret agent:
The first business of a spy must be to deceive his fellow men as to his real personality and purpose. To this end he will assume a disguise, which he will try to make as inoffensive and as inconspicuous as possible; the more commonplace it is, the less likely will it be to suggest any thought of deception. That is one reason why clerical garb has, from of old, been so popular among spies. It has, of course, other advantages to recommend it.
In 1809, the French general Philippe Henri, comte de Grimoard wrote, "the best spies are often women and priests, who usually excite less suspicion that other people." (Lüdecke, Behind the Scenes of Espionage, pp. 10-11).
Besides women and clerics, another popular cover for spies is "newspaper reporter."
Together with John Jacob Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jay Gould, August Belmont, J. P. Morgan, J. D. Rockefeller, etc., etc., he ran New York City in the British Empire State. All of those men were secret agents or spies for the Hudson's Bay Company.
Jennie's dark looks was attributed to Iroquois ancestry, so the British aristocracy derisively called her "Sitting Bull." Jennie was the precursor to another spy named Wallis Simpson.
In the summer of 1871, Leonard Jerome rented a small cottage on the Isle of Wight. He was joined by his wife and daughters Clara, Jennie and Leonie. That was when the 3 girls were first introduced to Albert, Prince of Wales:
That summer I paid a first visit to Cowes. In those days it was delightfully small and peaceful. No glorified villas, no esplanade or pier, no bands or "Negro minstrels," no motors or crowded tourist steamers–"no nothing," as the children say. The Royal Yacht Squadron Club lawn did not resemble a perpetual garden party, or the roadstead a perpetual regatta. Yachts went in and out without fear of losing their moorings, and most of them belonged to the Royal Yacht Squadron. People all seemed to know one another. The Prince and Princess of Wales and many foreign royalties could walk about and amuse themselves without being photographed or mobbed, and many were the gay little expeditions to Shanklin Bay, Freshwater, or Beaulieu, where they threw off all ceremony and enjoyed themselves like ordinary mortals. ("Lady" Randolph Churchill, Reminiscences. p. 29).
The Prince of Wales stayed at the Osborne House while the Jeromes rented a villa called the Rosetta Cottage.
Osbourne House was the home of Queen Victoria and her family. |
| Rosetta Cottage on the Isle of Wight was the summer cottage of the Jeromes. |
The Prince was already known as a raconteur and playboy. When he became king in 1901 he was called Edward the Caresser:
Yet it was, of course, the trio of American girls inside the house who were much more interesting than the house itself. Leonie was not often there as she had to complete her studies at a boarding school in Wiesbaden, Germany, and so, by the third summer, it was Clara and Jennie who had established themselves at Cowes as an intriguing and beautiful pair. They saw nothing out of the ordinary in being asked to all the smartest parties and in performing piano duets after dinner, in their Worth gowns, with true professionalism and sparkle. The one fair and fey, the other dark and fiery, both concentrated on playing as magnificently as their arduous practice sessions had prepared them for. Few English girls could come near them in ability or confidence. (Sebra, American Jennie, p. 34).
By February 1874 Jennie was pregnant with Winston and a "shotgun" wedding was absolutely necessary to establish legitimacy for the royal offspring.
The baby was born to Lady Randolph Churchill on November 30, 1874. His full name was Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. In his later writings, he would later use the letter S which stood for SPY. The baby was said to be born premature because 9 months had not elapsed since the "shotgun" wedding.
No image exists of Lord Randolph with "his" 2 sons, and, except for the 1874 portrait, no other image of exists of the happy couple together!!
Forming this new Translantic alliance was not cheap. Lord Randolph demaned and received a princely sum for adoping the son of the Prince of Wales:
There were however two difficulties. First, Leonard Jerome, true to the Duke's descriptions of the hazards of his occupation, was in a speculative downturn. He had been badly mauled by the plunge of the New York stock exchange of that year (1873). Second, he claimed to hold advanced New World ideas about the financial rights of married women. (This was before the British Married Women's Property Act of 1882 gave women any property rights against their husbands.) The Duke assumed that whatever settlement could be obtained would be under the exclusive control of his son. Jerome thought it should be settled on his daughter. This led to a good deal of haggling which went on into the spring of 1874. Eventually a compromise was reached, by which Jerome settled a sum of £50,000 (approximately £2.5 million at present values), producing an income of £2,000 a year, with a half of both capital and income belonging, to the husband and a half to the wife. The Duke settled another £I,I00 a year for life on Randolph which gave the couple the equivalent of a present-day income of a little more than £150,000 a year, a sum which guaranteed that they would live constantly above their income and be always in debt. (Jenkins, Churchill: A Hagiography, pp. 6-7).
Another reason for recommending Lord Randolph as a surrogate father was the fact that he had syphilis and could not father children. Lord Randolph had a timely death in 1895, and he left no money in his will to hisadopted children Winston and Jack.
Winston Churchill grew up to look like his real father!!
Miracles of miracles, Winston grew up to look like his father. His father was not known to be an academic and Winston was a DUNCE in school. Contrary to the ravings of another dunce named Charles Darwin, biological offspring always look like their parents.
| Winston married Clementine Ogilvy in 1908. |
Winston's father, Albert, became King Edward VII upon the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. His brief reign is called the Edwardian Era.
There are no photographs extant of the torrid love affair between "Lady" Randolph Churchill and the Prince of Wales, but Winston's school record has not been suppressed or destroyed. His "artistic" nature was inherited from his father whose firstborn son was also "artistically" inclined.
Albert's mother, Princess Alexandra of Denmark, despaired of him ever learning so she encouraged the "artistic" side of his nature:
Like his mother, Prince Albert Victor was congenitally deaf, a condition whose effects were aggravated by his poor education. Many regarded the Prince as backward. Being deaf herself, Alexandra could understand his problems, and she came to realise that he was of an artistic, rather than an academic, bent. Like other disabled people he found it easier to express himself in art than in the classroom. (Fairclough, The Ripper and the Royals, p. 1).
In 1892, before his timely demise ended his Ripper rampage, he was engaged to Mary, Duchess of Teck, the grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II.
Churchill became a "war hero" at the Battle of Omdurman!!
Even though Churchill was the son of the Prince of Wales, this did not automatically provide an entrée to the highest echelon of the government. Church was a complete ass in school. When he was growing up in Ireland, he fell off his donkey and suffered a concussion of the "brain" but that does not account for his stupidity:
It took me three tries to pass into Sandhurst. There were five subjects, of which Mathematics, Latin and English were obligatory, and I chose in addition French and Chemistry. In this hand I held only a pair of Kings-English and Chemistry. Nothing less than three would open the jackpot. I had to find another useful card. Latin I could not learn. I had a rooted prejudice which seemed to dose my mind against it. Two thousand marks were given for Latin. I might perhaps get 400! French was interesting but rather tricky, and difficult to learn in England. So there remained only Mathematics. After the first Examination was over, when one surveyed the battlefield, it was evident that the war could not be won without another army being brought into the line. Mathematics was the only resource available. I turned to them-I turned on them-in desperation. All my life from time to time I have had to get up disagreeable subjects at short notice, but I consider my triumph, moral and technical, was in learning Mathematics in six months. At the first of these three ordeals I got no more than 500 marks out of 2,500 for Mathematics. At the second I got nearly 2,000. I owe this achievement not only to my own "back-to-the-wall' resolution-for which no credit is too great; but to the very kindly interest taken in my case by a much respected Harrow master, Mr. C. H. P. Mayo. He convinced me that Mathematics was not a hopeless bog of nonsense, and that there were meanings and rhythms behind the comical hieroglyphics; and that I was not incapable of catching glimpses of some of these. (Churchill, My Early Life, p. 25).
One word from the Prince of Wales was enough to make that headmaster give Winston a passing grade. After he finally graduated from Sandhurst, he was appointed a second lieutenant in the 4th Hussars.
Churchill tried to join the 21st Lancers but Kitchener and the other officers wanted nothing to do with him:
On 23 August, Churchill arrived with his squadron at Kitchener's forward base at Wadi Hamed, a little to the south of Wadi Habeshi, where in 1885 the gunboat Safia had fought a duel with dervish guns. The long journey from Cairo had not been a happy one for the 21st Lancers. Confined to railway trucks for almost two continuous weeks, the regiment's horses–mostly small Syrian chargers–had lost condition, and more than fifty had to be destroyed. One man had already died from heat exhaustion, and three others had been evacuated. On a personal level, Churchill found himself treated as an outsider by the other officers, who disdained his status as a freelance journalist, and regarded him as little more than a 'spy.' (Asher, Khartoum: the Ultimate Imperial Adventure, p. 367).
The Battle of Omdurman saw the first use of artillery and the deadly Maxim machine gun on tribesmen armed with little more than spears and swords.
British gunboats laying down a deadly artillery fire on the Sudanese. |
| The newly invented Maxim machine gun laying down a deadly fire on the Sudanese. |
Churchill was determined to be a war hero at any cost so he was able to part in a cavalry charge on the last day of the battle. From that day forward, cavalry charges were made obsolete by the Maxim machine gun.
The Sudanese tribesmen were mowed down like grass. |
| The charge of the 21st Lancers. |
Immediately after the battle, Churchill returned to London and began work on a history of the Sudanese Campaign called The River War: an Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. Blockhead Churchill could never write a book so the author's name was Francis William Rhodes, brother of the infamous Cecil Rhodes.
Kitchener almost started World War I with France in 1898
What Churchill never mentioned in "his" book was that the British presence in Egypt and Sudan was all about sabotaging or controlling the Suez Canal.
From its very inception, the canal was bitterly opposed by Britain who controlled all the existing sea lanes to Asia. Around that time, A strange religious fanatic named Muhammad Ahmad appeared claiming to be the Muslim Messiah.
In 1885, general Gordon and the entire city was massacred. Gordon's head was presented to the Mahhi and his body was thrown into the Nile.
To avenge Gordon was the ostensible reason for Kitchener's presence in Egypt. The real reason was to counter French influence in that country. In 1890 French major Marchand was sent to explore the sources of the Niger River and the Nile and to occupy the area around Fashoda, Sudan, now known as Kodok, and bring it under French control.
The world did come very close to war at that time:
In October 1898 rumours were rife in Paris: the French Mediterranean Fleet had slipped past Gibraltar, all lights darkened and keeping as close as was safe to the African shore; reservists were being secretly mobilized, emergency hospitals set up and stores ordered. No one knew truth from rumour, but one thing was clear: war was very near. Cherbourg and Brest were in turmoil; stores, ammunition, food, wine and barracks were all being hastily commandeered, churches and halls taken over and civilian traffic jostled off the main roads and harbour anchorages.
Nor was the French Navy alone in preparing for war. The army also was alerting its training cadres, ready for a vast flood of conscripts, and the regular army was being placed on a war footing. The public also was stirred to a deep and resentful bitterness by a vitriolic press: 'Le duel sans merci est commencé,' wrote La Patrie. 'France's honour is at stake, there can be no surrender,' was the similar refrain from Le Figaro. (Wright, Conflict on the Nile, p.1).
The French did withdraw from Fashoda, but a joint occupancy over Sudan, called the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium was signed in 1899. The British did not declare war on France at that time because they were waiting to arm Germany and establish a "special relationship" with the United States.
The 1956 Suez Crisis almost precipitated World War III. In 1948, the state of "Israel" was created by Winston Churchill in order to keep the French out of the Mideast.
The 1956 Suez debacle was a major disaster and defeat for the British Empire, and Britannia never "forgave" the United States for not supporting her in her attempt to seize the Canal from Egypt.
Today, the canal is a peaceful waterway, open to all nations, but under the sovereignty of Egypt. The statue of the great Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps was never returned to its rightful place.
Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911
Churchill the secret agent became a "war hero" when he returned to London after the Battle of Omdurman. The sales of "his" book: The River War: an Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan were also brisk.
Winston Churchill. 1st Lord of the Admiralty from 1911 to 1915. |
The unexpected stalemate on the Western Front and the failed invasion of Constantinople led to the firing of Churchill.
There is only one explanation why a "blockhead" like Churchill could survive so many failures, repeat so many mistakes, and go on to nominated Man of the Century, with a Noble Prize for Literature to boot....He was a Secret Service agent and his real assignment was to establish a deadly "special relationship" with the United States!!
Vital links
Asher, Michael. Khartoum: The Ultimate Imperial Adventure. Penguin Books, London, 2003.
Butler, Allen Daniel. The First Jihad: The Battle for Khartoum and the Dawn of Militant Islam. Casemate, Philadelphia, 2007.
Churchill, Winston. My Early Life. 1874–1904. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1930.
Churchill, "Lady" Randolph. Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill, Edward Arnold, London, 1908, .
Churchill, Winston. Life of Lord Randolph Churchill. (In 2 Volumes). The Macmillian Company, New York, 1908.Volume I and Volume II online.
Churchill, Winston. The River War: an Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. (In 2 Volumes). Longmans Green & Co., London, 1899.
Fairclough, Melvyn, The Ripper and the Royals. Gerald Duckworth & Co., London, 1991.
Hibbert, Christopher. Edward VII: The Last Victorian King. Palgrave Macmillian, New York, 2007.
Higham, Charles. Dark Lady: Winston Churchill's Mother and her World. Charles & Graf Publishers, New York, 2006
Jenkins, Roy. Churchill: A Hagiography. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. New York, 2001.
Karabell, Zachary. Parting the Desert: The Creation of the Suez Canal. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2003.
Lüdecke, Winfried, Behind the Scenes of Espionage: Tales of the Secret Service. George G. Harrap & Co., London, 1929.
Martin, Ralph G. Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill: The Romantic Years 1854–1895. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1969.
Martin, Ralph G. Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill: the Dramatic Years, 1895–1921.Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971.
Nichols David A. Eisenhower 1956: The President's Year of Crisis: Suez and Brink of War. Simon & Schuster, New York 2011.
Ridley, Jane. The Heir Apparent: A Life of Edward VII, the Playboy Prince. Random House, New York, 2013.
Spiering, Frank. Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper. Jove Publication Inc., New York, 1978.
Sebra, Anne. American Jennie. The Remarkable Life of Lady Randolph Churchill. W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2007.
Weintraub, Stanley. Edward the Caresser: The Playboy Prince Who Became Edward VII. The Free Press, New York, 2001.
Wright, Patricia. Conflict on the Nile: The Fashoda Incident of 1898. Heinemann, London, 1972.
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