Monday, July 27, 2015

Jordan is Arab-Palestine - YJ Draiman

Jordan is Arab-Palestine

Jordan is a country that never existed in history before WWI and nobody is contesting its legitimacy or territorial sovereignty and control. Jordan's territory was taken from land allocated to the Jewish people. The amount of land taken away from the Jewish people for Jordan is about 77% from the total original allocation under the San Remo treaty. The same powers that established 21 Arab States after WWI, which nobody is contesting either, Established the State of Israel based on the Balfur Declaration. On the other hand, Israel and its Jewish people have over 3500 year history. Many Nations and people are questioning Israel's control of its liberated territory. No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people from their countries, confiscated their homes and assets to the tune of over 500 billion dollars and over 600,00 of these Jewish people were resettled in Greater Israel.
If this is not discrimination against Israel, I do not know what is.
It seems like nobody cares about land violations in other countries in the world, but when it comes to Israel, everyone has a say. Israel's rights in the treaty of San Remo of 1920 are in affect in perpetuity, clearly states that the Jewish people are the only ones with political rights in the British Mandate of Palestine and that the Jewish people can live anywhere in the British Mandate.
If the U.S., Europe and other countries will stop meddling, and stop its criticism and involvement in the politics of Israel and the Arabs, than there will be a chance for peace.
We know the great powers are only interested in the OIL and nothing else, that is the bottom line.
In fact sovereignty of the Jews over Palestine West of the Jordan is supported five ways: 
1. By the grant of the WWI Allies of exclusive political rights to Palestine in trust to World Jewry on April 25, 1920, intended to vest when the Jews in Palestine had attained a population majority. Prior to that time, England abandoned its trusteeship as the mandatory power, and de jure sovereignty devolved to the Jews who attained a majority not long afterwards in 1950 from the immigration of all the Jews in the Middle East who were dispossessed of their homes where they and their ancestors had lived for centuries. 
2. In the opinion of world acclaimed International Lawyers Julius Stone and Steven Schwebel based on Jordan's conquest of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem in an an aggressive war and their liberation by Israel in a defensive war. 
3. Under US and UK treaty law based on the Anglo American Convention of 1924. 
4. In the historic way sovereignty was gained, by asserting Israeli Independence in 1948 and defending its territory with its blood and treasure, establishing control and stability over its claimed territory. 
5. Under Canon law by a gift from God, as shown in the Old Testament.
YJ Draiman
"No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right."
at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)

Read this - The Arab Palestinian indoctrinate their children to hate. This is the people you want Israel to make peace with, what a delusion.
Walid Shoebat vividly remembers the tumultuous days of June, 1967, when Israel and its Arab neighbors were at war.
For six days and six nights, Walid and his family hid in the bathroom of their home in Jericho, as fighting raged outside.
"On the sixth day, everything went quiet," Walid told BBC News Online. "My father was listening to Arab radio and the news said: 'We cleansed Jerusalem of the Jews'. Then we opened the door and there was this Israeli tank with the Star of David flag standing in our street!"
Less than a week after the war began, Jordan had been repelled from the West Bank, Israel had taken over and the map of the modern Middle East had been redrawn.
A humiliating defeat for the Arabs, the Israeli victory spawned a new generation of young nationalists determined to restore lost pride, vanquish the enemy and establish a Palestinian state.
"From kindergarten we were taught that Jews were dogs," said Walid. "We were taught that Jews were the converts of monkeys, that Jews were Sabbath breakers and prophet killers. We even considered Arabs in pre-1967 Israel traitors because we could not understand how they could co-exist with Jews."
'To die as a martyr'
As a teenager in the mid-1970's, Walid joined the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and became a local activist - printing fliers, organizing demonstrations and confronting Israeli troops.
"My whole dream was to die as a Shaheed [martyr]. At demonstrations I would open my shirt hoping to be shot - but the Israelis would never shoot at the body, so I never succeeded," he said.
One day, in the middle of a riot, Walid was part of a group which snatched an Israeli soldier who was trying to quell the violence.
They beat him senseless and tried to lynch him, before he was rescued by troops and the group fled.
"We ran to a monastery where the nuns protected us - even they hated the Jews!"
Walid was eventually caught and imprisoned in the Muscovite Prison in Jerusalem, but was released after a few weeks.
He returned to violence straight away, bombing an Israeli bank in Bethlehem.
'How do you explain this?'
The course of Walid's life took a turn when his parents sent him to the United States to get a better education.
Walid enrolled in Loop College in Chicago, where he became president of the Palestinian Students' Association, raising funds for the PLO and recruiting volunteers to fight in Lebanon.
He eventually moved to California, where he met his current wife, a Catholic from Mexico.
"I wanted her to convert to Islam," he said. "I told her Jews had corrupted the Bible and she asked me to show her some examples of this corruption. At this point I had to go and buy a Bible and I started reading it and I saw the word 'Israel' all over it. I had to be brutally honest - the very word I hated the most was throughout this book!
"I thought: 'How do you explain this?' Then I started thinking, really the Jews didn't do us any harm but we hated them and accused them of all this horrible stuff. I began to think more openly."
In the mid-1990's, Walid went to a family reunion in southern California where a row broke out after he defended the biblical matriarch Rachel, whom his uncle had called a "Jewish whore".
" 'You deserve to be spat at'," my uncle said, "and they threw me out the house".
"I realized they knew nothing about history, all they knew was the same propaganda that I had been taught."
Speaking out
Walid's convictions led him to renounce violence and convert to Christianity but it was at a price: his family disowned him and his own brother threatened to kill him for abandoning Islam.
His disappointment with his own family's ideology and remorse at the folly of his youth strengthened Walid's resolve to speak out against militancy as a way of solving the Palestinian problem.
"Yes, there is personal risk to myself. If I went back to my village of Beit Sahour I would live five minutes, I can guarantee it. But I hope that by speaking the truth I will open other people's eyes."
"I chose to speak out because I was a victim, as a child I was a victim of this horror. Now I see other victims, millions of them, kids.
"I was taught songs about killing Jews. You need to get rid of the education system where they are teaching this type of thing and get rid of the terrorist groups. It will take a generation, but until then, there's not going to be peace, it doesn't matter what kind of land settlement you have."
A militant-turned-peacemaker, Walid wants to meet the Israel soldier he tried to kill almost 30 years ago.
His voice cracking with emotion, Walid said he would offer the soldier his hand and say to him: "'Please understand, we were just children, brainwashed to kill you, to hate you.' I would seek his forgiveness."


  1. Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria is Jewish territory - No annexation is required
    If anything it may need to be re-incorporated or re-patriated.
    Let me pose an interesting scenario. If you had a country and it was conquered by foreign powers over a period of time. After many years you have taken back you country and land in various defensive wars. Do you have to officially annex those territories. It was always your territory and by retaking control and possession of your territory it is again your original property and there is no need to annex it. The title to your property is valid today as it was many years before.
    Annexation only applies when you are taking over territory that was never yours to begin with, just like some European countries annexed territories of other countries.
    YJ Draiman

    Jews hold title to the Land of Greater Israel even if outnumbered a million to one.
    The fact that more foreigners than Jews occupied the Land of Israel during certain periods of time does not diminish true ownership. If my house is invaded by a family ten times larger that mine does that obviate my true ownership?

  2. "No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power or competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right."
    at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at Zurich (1937)

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