Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Consequences of Appeasement - YJ Draiman

The Consequences of Appeasement

The Consequences of Appeasement

The decisions made by the government of Israel since The six day war of 1967 leading up to today’s Gaza war with Hamas July 2014, as well as those of the first ten months or so after the turnover of Gaza in 2004 began, have dumbfounded historians ever since. The appeasement of Israel to the Arabs-Palestinians, in particular, has been so often held up as an example of how not to deal with a rising terrorism that it has become a stereotype. 
Israel stood its ground and responded to terrorism or any violence with utmost force. Israel would not be facing today’s crisis.
As many have said – appeasement, concessions and lack of proper response to terrorism is detrimental to 
Israel and its people and the Jewish people worldwide.
What the Arabs could not win in a war they won in playing the peace game, all the while building up arsenals and educating their children to hate and to destroy Israel. While enriching their own pockets with the billions contributed by the world to help the impoverished Arab-Palestinian.
What a scheme – and the gullible world is buying it hook line and sinker.
When will the World learn that the Arabs cannot be trusted, I hope before the Arabs take over 
Europe and than the United States and Canada.
YJ Draiman

YJ Israel Draiman · 
Link to 1925 Waqf Temple Mount Guide noting that the First and Second Jewish Temples were located on the Temple Mount
For Jews, the Temple Mount is the holiest place in the world. The Jewish connection to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount originates in the biblical narrative, as it is said to be the location of the binding of Isaac.[2] The Talmud, Judaism’s supreme canonical text, says that the foundation stone on the Temple Mount is the location from which the world was created.[3] In Samuel II 24:18-25, King David bought the bedrock for t
he Temple from Araunah the Jebusite. Subsequently, Solomon, David’s son, used the bedrock to build the First Temple.[4] Solomon’s Temple was eventually destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon in 586 BCE.
Link to 1925 Waqf Temple Mount Guide noting that the First and Second Jewish Temples were located on the Temple Mount

For Jews, the Temple Mount is the holiest place in the world.
Following the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple, many Jews were sent into exile. However, under the Persian King Cyrus, the Jews were allowed to return and began to rebuild the Temple. The Second Temple was completed in 516 BCE and expanded by King Herod in 19 BCE. In 70 CE, the Roman Empire, led by Emperor Titus, laid siege to Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple. Jews have maintained an unbreakable connection to Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount since that time.

P.S. How many holidays do the Arabs celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel. The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem – where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
In a Jewish wedding, they break a glass in memory of Jerusalem and the aspiration of the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Jewish Temple.
YJ Draiman.

In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
Ben Gurion

“Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its ‘right to exist.’ [As a Jewish State] Israel’s right to exist, like that of the United States, Saudi Arabia and 152 other states, is axiomatic and unreserved. Israel’s legitimacy is not suspended in midair awaiting acknowledgement. . . .There is certainly no other state, big or small, young or old, that would consider mere recognition of its ‘right to exist’ a favor, or a negotiable concession.”
Abba Eban
YJ Israel Draiman · 
As Professor Stephen Schwebel, former judge on the Hague's International Court of Justice notes:

The Arab-Palestinian claim to sovereignty over east Jerusalem under the principle of self-determination of peoples cannot supersede the Jewish right to self-determination in Jerusalem. While Arabs constituted an ethnic majority only in the artificial entity of "East Jerusalem" created by Jordan's illegal division of the city, the armistice lines forming this artificial entity were never intended to determine the borders of, or political sovereignty over, the city. Moreover, Jews constituted the ma
jority ethnic group in unified Jerusalem both in the century before Jordan's invasion, and since 1967 (the exception being during Jordan's illegal occupation).

Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, an international legal expert, scholar and director emeritus of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge, details the legal justification for Israel's sovereignty in east Jerusalem. According to the scholar, "Jordan's occupation of the Old City–and indeed of the whole of the area west of the Jordan river entirely lacked legal justification" and was simply a "de facto occupation protected by the Armistice Agreement." This occupation ended as a result of "legitimate measures" of self defense by Israel, thereby opening the way for Israel as "a lawful occupant" to fill a sovereignty vacuum left by Britain's withdrawal from the territory in 1948.


A state acting in lawful exercise of its right of self-defense may seize and occupy foreign territory as long as such seizure and occupation are necessary to its self-defense......Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title.

As Schwebel explains, "Jordan's seizure [in 1948] and subsequent annexation of the West Bank and the old city of Jerusalem were unlawful," arising as they did from an aggressive act. Jordan therefore had no valid title to east Jerusalem. When Jordanian forces attacked Jerusalem in 1967, Israeli forces, acting in self defense, repelled Jordanian forces from territory Jordan was illegitimately occupying. Schwebel maintains that in comparison to Jordan, "Israeli title in old (east) Jerusalem is superior." And in comparison to the UN, which never asserted sovereignty over Jerusalem and allowed its recommendation of a corpus separatum to lapse and die, he sees Israel's claim to Jerusalem as similarly superior.
YJ Israel Draiman · 
In paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of the Protocol of San Remo, we read: "No territory of Palestine will be sold or leased or held in any way under the control of the government of any foreign power." Or: "The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights of other parts of the population are not altered, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and encourage, in cooperation with the Jewish Agency The dense settlement of Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes. "
YJ Israel Draiman · 
The Jews were not given the land in Israel and the Jewish part of the land was purchased from the rich Arab landowners at a premium price. During testimony in front of the British Peel Commission January 12, 1937 The Hajj Amin el-Husseini, the intractable opponent of Zionism, a Jew-hater who killed over 12,000 Jews in Bosnia on par with Hitler, admitted under questioning that no Arab land was stolen; no Arabs were wiped out, no villages destroyed. Rather, the Jews bought hundreds of thousands of dunam (about ¼ of an acre) of land from willing sellers, often from absentee Arab landowners. During the war of Independence in 1948. Then 5 nations waged war on them and got their skull handed to them. At that point, they earned it. Countries have tried to knock them off the hill, but Israel keeps winning, so, yeah, it's their land now. Deal with it. And sweetie, Hamas is a terrorist group. Innocent people are being slaughtered by Hamas...and then they hide behind innocent people as Israel fires back. It's surprising to see an American eat up Hamas's propaganda so easily. You're a liberal arts major aren't you?

I would be hard pressed to identify any (non third world, anyway) country today that exists without any change in "ownership." To me, the Native American Indians were in North America first. The Europeans "conquered" the country, built it up, more people came, land was partitioned back to the American Indians (reservations), where they (reluctantly, I'm sure) exist. Now, what would happen if the Native Americans decided that they wanted more of their homeland and started lobbing missiles into Oklahoma City? Do you think the US Government would just sit by?
The bottom line is that all these people in the Middle East can make claims and justify their land rights, depending on a point in time in history. Right now, there is Israel and there are surrounding Arab nations. The Arabs (and their derivatives) need to stop trying to destroy Israel and other terrorist acts and try and co-exist. It is pretty clear to most even-minded people that Israel has been living under constant threats and, given the fact that they haven't nuked their enemies, has been showing considerable restraint. The Palestinians (which isn't even a real "nation" by the way, if one reads history) have some land to call their own and it is called Jordan and so does Israel, which took care of the million Jewish people expelled from Arab countries, The Arabs countries confiscated their land, which is 4 times the size of Israel and are holding assets totaling over 15 trillion dollars. Amen.

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