Sunday, July 26, 2015

United with Israel - YJ draiman Articles

United with Israel - YJ draiman Articles
March 8th, 2015
It is time to factually clarify the legal status of Judea and Samaria under international law.  “When the occupant is not the one you want to believe in” In 1967 Israel liberated occupied Jewish Palestinian territories.   For the enemies of Israel and many of Its’ friends, and for a majority of Israelis, this is a basic axiom. During the Six Day War, it... Read more »
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February 25th, 2015
Radical Islam not ALLAH is the root of evil   This revised article is adapted from an Article by Dr. Azriel Carlebach which was published in the Israeli newspaper “Ma’ariv” on 7 October 1955.   Translated from Hebrew with Google translator, edited, modified substantially and completely re-written in English ————- “The source of the conflict... Read more »
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February 12th, 2015
Jerusalem by yjd A far-sighted Arab-Jewish agreement was arrived at 95 years ago but was never fully implemented. This still-legal agreement provides the basis for a solution today and should become widely publicized and supported. In 1919, following the end of World War I, an international Paris Peace Conference was convened by the victorious Allies... Read more »
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January 28th, 2015
Jewish right to live in peace throughout Israel must be enforced   Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this. Yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of... Read more »
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January 20th, 2015
Israel does not have to defend its’ legitimacy!  Israel’s rights to the land is ingrained in history, archeological findings, international law and possession. Just like the Arab States have not been required to defend their legitimacy, Israel should also not be required to defend its’ legitimacy.   The 21 Arab States and the State of Israel... Read more »
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January 15th, 2015
Jews have the absolute right for their homeland. Zionism the movement itself was created during the second half the 1800′s. Jews purchased a substantial amount of territories in Palestine-Israel (see testimony of the Mufti of Jerusalem in front of the British Peel Commission) from local sheikhs and lords and built settlements there. This dates as... Read more »
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  1. P.S. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed completely with no traces left.

    When a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it and destroy it completely. That is the way the terrorist organizations should be treated.

    YJ Draiman

  2. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed completely with no traces left.

    When a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it and destroy it completely. That is the way the terrorist organizations should be treated.

    YJ Draiman

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  7. Judea and Samaria is Jewish territory - No annexation is required
    Let me pose an interesting scenario. If you had a country and it was conquered by foreign powers over a period of time. After many years you have taken back you country and land in various defensive wars. Do you have to officially annex those territories. It was always your territory and by retaking control and possession of your territory it is again your original property and there is no need to annex it. The title to your property is valid today as it was many years before.
    Annexation only applies when you are taking over territory that was never yours to begin with, just like some European countries annexed territories of other countries.
    YJ Draiman
    Read more

    An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.
    A representative from Israel
    began: "Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses."
    "When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!' He then removed all his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.
    An Arab-Palestinian had stolen them."
    The Arab-Palestinian representative jumped up furiously and shouted, "What are you talking about? The Arab-Palestinians weren't there then."
    The Israeli representative smiled and said, "And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech...."

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  9. United States is "occupied" territory

    Washington, D.C. is far more of an "occupied" capital than Jerusalem (Jerusalem has thousands of years of Jewish history and habitation). Europeans after creating new settlements, conquered an entire continent of North America, annihilated the natives, extracted its natural resources, kicked out the Mexicans and called it "America," claiming Washington as its capital. Over six hundred thousand people died in a war that prevented the South from seceding. As regards the rest of the world, Jerusalem is the oldest capital in the world, and it belongs to the Jewish people. The world does not recognize Jerusalem as the Jewish capital, because the world does not recognize the right of Jews to exist. Those liberal Jews in USA and Europe and elsewhere who pander to the non-Jews by endorsing views that deny or compromise the Jewish sovereignty over Greater Israel and hoping that they would be "acceptable" are deluding themselves. It did not help with Nazi Germany or in the past 2,500 years and it will not help today.
    YJ Draiman.
    Like · Reply · 1 · Jun 4, 2015 9:26pm

    YJ Israel Draiman ·
    3rd Term elected official at Los Angeles City Hall
    How many holidays do the Arabs-Muslims celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel and Jerusalem.
    The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of Jerusalem and Israel.
    and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem - where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its glory and holiness.
    At Jewish weddings they break a glass in memory of Jerusalem and the aspiration to return and build the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
    YJ Draiman

    The Law of Return is for The Jews, the option to return to Greater Israel and The Arab-Arab-Arab-Palestinians to leave Greater Israel and return to the Arab countries they originated from. The Arab-Arab-Arab-Palestinians should move to the Million plus Jewish homes confiscated by the Arab countries from the expelled Jewish people and the 120,440 sq. km. of Real property the Arabs confiscated from the million plus Jews and their children expelled from Arab countries valued in the trillions of dollars. That is the only viable alternative.
    Face it and stop hallucinating, once and for all. There will never be an Arab-Arab-Palestinian State in Greater Israel West of the Jordan River (Judea and Samaria). Jerusalem the United Eternal Capital of the Jewish people.
    YJ Draiman

    Sending thousands of rockets indiscriminately into civilian centers and tunneling into Israel to kill civilians and sending suicide bombers is not an obstacle to peace but building homes is? Are the U.S. & E.U. going on tour as a new comedy duo?


  11. Claims to the contrary notwithstanding (see below), Gauthier says that Jewish rights to Jerusalem are firmly established in international law. His focus is on the San Remo Conference of April 24-25, 1920, which predated — and established the legal basis for — the Mandate for Palestine of 1922, which was founded on the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This Mandate established Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish People.

    The San Remo Conference was a gathering of the Supreme Council of Allied Powers, the five major victors of World War I, who were to determine how borders would be set for new nation-states to be carved out of the old Ottoman Empire and how mandates would be established. (Mandates were temporary governorships assigned to European nations of areas in the Middle East that were slated to eventually be ruled independently but were not ready yet to do so.) The division of Europe had been determined at the earlier Paris Peace Conference of 1919 — the San Remo Conference was a follow-up to this.

    Gauthier says this conference was the "final hearing" of a "world court," with this the "key defining moment in history" on the issue of the title to Jerusalem. He draws upon the legal principle of "la chose jugée" (judged issue) — indicating that all legal rights and claims recognized by the Supreme Council became irreversible, binding forever in a "sacred trust."
